Personal Transformation Experience

Service, the Path to Self-Transformation
My name is Irma Lema and since I was a child, through the Grace of Sai, I travelled along this wonderful path of Service.
Swami through positive and negative experiences showed me that the Seva is not only charity, but it is also the greatest form of spiritual practice. We receive the grace of God when it is done without rewards or expectations. What matters is our inner feeling and speaking from heart to heart.
It fills me with gratitude to realise that it as an offering to God. I believe that we came to this world to serve our brothers: Children, Youth and Adults. To listen to them, cover their basic needs and be able to give them words of Love, Breath and Faith.
Personally, it also helps me to develop patience and surrender. Both values go hand in hand and are One.
The service in groups or teams is also part of the Spiritual Practice. Each human being is different and unique. Agreeing and sharing a group and individual experiences helps us to improve the quality of the service.
It is very inspiring to see young people from all over the world through the newsletters of each region, and to see that we are all One and we are united for the same purpose: LOVE ALL AND SERVE ALL.

Irma Lema
Argentina Region 4