Personal Transformation Experience
Spiritual Life is a Continuous Act of Learning
I heard about Sai Baba when I was just 12 years old. I am now 30. I happened to chance upon a conversation between some people who were saying strange things about paranormal activities, after which they spoke about Sai Baba.
Although I did not take part in the conversation, it was enough to just listen to what was being said, to feel the power and immensity of His name, Sai Baba! I remember being afraid the next few nights...afraid that Sai Baba would materialize Himself beside my bed...out of fear, I slept with the blanket over my head!
Today, it is a different story; I am afraid He WILL NOT materialize Himself! It is enough to transform this so called fear from the first to the second; although it took 18 years for this to happen! 18 years during which God had taken my hand and always would; up until the day I realized that it has been nothing but myself holding on to my own hand. For 15 years this has just been theory, then from April 2015, after dearest Swami's visit to Rome in the subtle form, it became practise, practise, practise.
I joined service activities in Indian villages (Grama Seva 2015, 2016, 2017), service to the disabled by accompanying them to visit museums with the Rome Seva group, Seva in orphanages and schools in India, Seva to the homeless in Naples and Rome which included preparation and distribution of food and clothes, and Seva with my young friends in Rome, in the Emmaus community which gives shelter to former drug addicts, alcoholics and homeless people. The last, most wonderful experience for me was witnessing the Annapoorna Breakfast Programme in November 2018 during Swami's Birthday.
In the 15 years of theory, I had only One Master, Sai Baba…in the years of practise, my Masters have multiplied: the needy, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the orphans....they are all my Masters now.
So, not only the student transformed, but also the Master! Spiritual life is a continuous act of learning and I will stop only when there will not be anything more to learn. I will forever be at the Divine service to whatever form He will take!
Thank you to the readers, thank You Swami for all the work You are doing on each one of us!
Region 3, Italy