During last year’s visit, Swami wanted us to have a shelter especially for children and youth aged from 6-18 years of age. Brother Aditya, brother Dinesh and brother Pavan along with brother Bobby are spearheading this initiative and they witnessed the all-knowing Lord's compassion doing so. For creating a shelter in California, there are many legal rules and one of them is to complete a certification by taking courses and it is mandatory to pass a final written examination. It so happened that Swami was hurrying the brothers to complete this certification as soon as possible and our brothers, as always, did not understand why Swami is hurrying. But nevertheless, HIS word has to be followed, so they completed the certification after taking several courses. They conveyed the same to Swami and Swami was very happy to know the news.
Barely a month after the completion of certification, California state changed the rules for getting certified ☺ Now, to get the same certification one would need to get credits from a community college by doing social work. We are already doing a lot of social work but to get credits one has to go to a community college and spend some months. No wonder, our beloved Swami had urged our brothers to complete the certification immediately. Swami showed us one more time that HE is always with us and plans everything for us. Swami always proves to us that thinking that we are doing something is a grave mistake, HE is the DOER and we are mere instruments. We have to just listen to His words and keep working allowing Swami to shine His light and love through us. After witnessing such a beautiful story our hearts melted. How can Swami’s words not come true?
Brothers and sisters, I am extremely emotional as I type this that Sai Ashraya will soon be a reality. Imagine a house for orphaned children and youth, where Love is taught, Love is fed, Love is nurtured and that too in the heart of Bay Area.
Bhagawan explained the need for this, “If we serve a person who is already aged, transformation occurs more slowly because of his already constructed mind and habits. But, if we were to shower love and inspire transformation in the heart of a young mind, they will grow to be wonderful citizens and they will, in turn, touch the hearts of other people of the nation as they grow up”. Can anyone explain this so beautifully? Swami continued “The only difference between your children and the children on the streets is the opportunity that was provided to some while many lacked that. Once we show children what is Love that is enough, Love will nurture Love”.
At Sai Ashraya, we want to provide this opportunity for as many children as possible. What more, there will soon be many Sai Ashrayas in the country. There are discussions to start one already in Seattle and in San Diego, along with the one that is planned in Bay area where Swami had wanted one. We are building a website for Sai Ashraya which we will share it with you in the near future.
We pray to Bhagawan to grant us an opportunity to do His work, allow us to be the squirrels, the monkeys, the trees and the mountains in the service of the very same Lord Sri Sairama.
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