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Issue 4/ January 22nd/ R4

Service and Education activities rendered in Alberta region of Canada Service


The youths served 91 homeless and the less fortunate on the streets of Edmonton. Packets of nutritional bars and fruit juices were distributed. Weekly distributions of banana and milk packets are in process. After a needs analysis, it was observed that nutritional meals had to be served. The homeless age ranges from 13 to 75. 


Elders and the youths continually provided value-based awareness workshops in three post- secondary colleges. Instructors in these colleges showed great interest in inviting the group to conduct awareness workshops on a consistent basis. The college found transformational variables in the student population as a result of these value based workshops. A representative of the Sai family was invited as a guest speaker for a college graduation ceremony of 2016 to give a synopsis of which organization he represents. With Bhagawan’s blessings, the stakeholders present at the ceremony were highly impressed with the selfless love and pure intentions of the “I to We to He” maxim.























Meetings were officially done with the Nations Chief and the local Educational Counsellor of Alberta Nations for ongoing value based workshops and social well-being sessions with the local youths having drugs, learning difficulties and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the villages.

Healing circle of the local First Nation’s reserve where the meeting are conducted. The colours white, black, red, and yellow represent all ethnicities. The circle signifies universalism as per Bhagawan’s universal human values and teachings.




A post- secondary education class in Edmonton Alberta, after completing a week long workshop in value based education modules.















Post-secondary college students presenting their research paper on “SAI”, Standards, Awareness and Individualism. The learning outcomes of this 4 day course were based on Human Values and Individual transformation.






















Workshops participants from First Nations villages after their 5 days intensive program in Human Values Educations. These participants are already conducting study circles in their respective villages. The First Nation villages are approximately 80 – 250 km away from downtown Edmonton, Alberta.

Ongoing activities for the month:

  1. Schedule a meeting with the Mayor of Edmonton, Mr. Don Iveson and local municipalities for an endorsement in providing medical supplies, packed food and drinks for the homeless in the city.

  2. Meet with the Regional Chief, Assembly of First Nations; Mr. Craig Makinaw and discuss the logistics of organizing a regional seminar or convention with other villages for Value Based Education.

  3. Weekly youth meetings for execution of community service to the homeless in the region. Approximately 2000 people in Edmonton are living without a home as per statistics done in 2014.

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