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Breakfast Seva in Huntsville, Alabama

The Huntsville - Downtown Rescue Mission, a Homeless Shelter served breakfast consisting of Oatmeal, Bagels, Fruits, Donuts and Coffee to sixty-five people between 6:30 AM and 7:30 AM on August 14, 2018.


Sai youth in Alabama are being prepared by Bhagawan to serve in Mississippi, a State where the level of despair is very high due to poor job prospects, even for younger adults. It is important that Sai devotees convey, in words and actions, how abundant the Love of Bhagawan truly is. Many in this region are reluctant to ask for help, even from Him; but also from others, because they feel that they are losing their dignity in the process. Therefore, it is important that the volunteers, as His children, make an effort to let every individual know that they are worthy of respect and that in the eyes of Bhagawan they are actually one with Him. 

Facilities such as the Downtown Rescue Mission attempt to help people regain their footing in life. With minimal requirements for admittance, they promote values. Residents are always grateful for small acts of Seva performed there and always welcome those who have returned to see them. A steady stream of dedicated volunteers ensures that the homeless of Huntsville, Alabama are given compassionate care. Breakfast is an important meal, as anyone who has caught a glimpse of the Annapoorna efforts in India can attest to; so it is encouraging to see how the men at this facility are eagerly making healthier dietary choices from the morning onwards.

Communication is very important. It can be an excellent conduit for helping others, for understanding them, and ultimately, for lessening the ill-effects of ego. It opens the door for others to share their burdens and it inculcates gratitude in the listener. The position of a volunteer is certainly not that of a judge, but simply that of an active listener and friend. It is a blessing to able to interact with Bhagawan in all of His forms and disguises. The key is recognizing and if necessary, requesting His presence in all situations that the volunteers encounter. This provides the confidence needed to handle difficulties and to be useful at the appointed time.  

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