Sai Ashraya Youth Service
Northern California Youth
The youth of Northern California meet every Saturday and come together with a feeling of unity and love with only one purpose, that is to serve fellow neighbours of the society that are deprived of the basic needs like shelter and food. The volunteers cook different breakfast items like burritos, hot soup and such, then serve in the streets of San Jose.

People in queue to receive food
By Bhagawan’s grace, the group has been seeing a steady increase of volunteers who are mostly colleagues from work. Most of them have not even heard of Bhagawan and are moved when they hear about the various hospitals and schools that provides the best medicare and educare free of charge. The group understood why Bhagawan was sending them his angels to help as the state of California saw the worst forest fire in history.
Forest Fire Statistics & Planning
The forest fire that started in Santa Rosa in the early hours of Monday, October 9, 2017, left a devastating effect. More than fifty thousand people were evacuated in the first five days. Bhagawan often says that ‘whatever you think as yours can be taken anytime’ and we, as humans sometimes tend to overlook such divine statements from Bhagawan.

Aftermath of fire
It started at around 3AM and continued growing to neighbouring forests and mountains ferociously. Several millionaires, whose homes worth many millions were burnt to ashes. Firefighters gave just a 60 second evacuation in some areas. People did not even take their mobile phones or wallets when they were evacuated to safety. Several businesses were damaged and buildings collapsed. It is going to take decades to rebuild the livelihood. The beautiful and enchanting Santa Rosa was brought to its knees by the power of the raging fire. Within just a few hours, multi-millionaires suddenly became paupers with their only possession being the sleepwear that they were dressed in that night.

Sai youth along with elders are meeting regularly with volunteers from other organizations to understand the relief materials that is in need. Youth have participated in service activities along with other group of volunteers to help at Santa Rosa Shelters for distributing the relief materials. The group prayed to Bhagawan to ease out the pressure on various people in the impacted areas, to show His benevolence and love, who else other than the all-knowing omnipresent Mother, can remove this affliction.