Eye Camp Collaboration at Doddabele
A collaboration of efforts always yields higher results than the sum of the individual efforts. An example of the same was seen in the case of the Eye Camp that was conducted at the Doddabele village Government School, where Annapoorna serves daily nutritious breakfast to the school children.
Narayana Nethralaya and Titan Eye Care joined hands with Annapoorna on Sunday, July 29, 2018 to conduct an Eye Camp for the villagers of Doddabele which is located off Mysore Road. It is to be noted that Annapoorna began its flagship breakfast programme here for 50 school children in 2012.
A total of 212 patients were screened for eye defects, of whom 111 of them were provided with free spectacles by Titan. Further, 12 patients who were advised to undergo Cataract surgery were taken to Narayana Nethralaya for the surgery.
Annapoorna thanks the Titan Eye Care team and Narayana Nethralaya for their selfless support for the villagers’ cause. Annapoorna also thanks the village Panchayat members for their support and cooperation rendered in making this Eye Camp a great success!